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Start The New Year Right

The new year always brings with it a whiff of hope - for new opportunities, new resolutions and new beginnings. It’s particularly important after the holidays period, which is filled with excesses, in the form of food, alcohol and sleep deprivation. This is why the beginning of the new year should always include a cleansing ritual to start your year off on the right foot. Below are some ways in which you can detox your body post-holidays to have the happiest and most fruitful year possible. Break A Sweat

There’s nothing quite like working out to give you that extra energy boost you needed and to eliminate all the toxins your body was retaining from the holiday extravaganzas. There’s no need to do anything hardcore, but simple cardio exercises will make your body sweat out all the bad stuff and produce endorphins, which are known as the ‘happy’ chemicals. Stay Hydrated

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Not only will it keep you looking glowing and radiant, but it will flush out all the bad things in your body and give your metabolism the boost it needs to get back in shape. Switch Up Your Diet

While one of the most wonderful things about the holidays period is the amount of food and alcohol consumed, it is also one of the most damaging things to your body. This is why the beginning of the new year should be marked with a detoxifying diet that aims to cut out trans fats, processed foods, and sugars. Opt instead for more natural options such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables, which will cleanse your system and restart your metabolism. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Holidays often include parties and gatherings that last until the late hours of the night. This creates a buildup of sleep deprivation that can affect your body’s functions. A steady sleep schedule of at least 8 hours per night will give your body- and mind- all the rest it needs to function properly and efficiently. Pamper Yourself

While this may not directly affect your body’s inner system, pampering yourself will relax both your skin and mind. Take a day after all the festivities to run a bath, exfoliate and cleanse your body, and use some masks on your face and hair. A little pampering never hurt anybody, and this will definitely aid your body’s cleansing process post-holidays. We hope you find these tips useful and are ready to kick off the new year with some peace of mind and body!

For any pampering or detoxing essentials, you can visit our website here.

Happy new year, and may the best be yet to come!

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